Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Across the UniVerse

Lyrical Spiral

The UniVersal fluid pulse

ebb & flow residing within

internal-external rhythm

Lotus blossoms reality spiralling



Past rejuvenation growth into

future present past tense

unlocking locked minds

escaping the scape of this plane

heart & soul


trip the final blow...

breathe that which is...



tap your foot

clap your hands

and sing to the rhythm

of your own heartbeat

bound to my heartbeat

bound to the heartbeat of the UniVerse

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Open Your Eyes, Open Your Soul

Along with aural appreciation, I believe there is also a visionary rhythm found in artwork. In every culture, life, love, and spirituality are represented in meditative media of all kinds. In the Hindu religion mandalas represent the universe in an accessible form, allowing adepts and masters to enter a meditative state within its progressively deeper levels. In my own experience, mandalas have been the visual aspect of the om, the original mantra symbolizing the ultimate reality. There are many artists in our own culture that bring forth the same song of the soul. A personal favorite of mine is Robert Venosa, an early student of Salvador Dali. His paintings make the mind and spirit sing, invoking emotion and power within and without its admirers. I will bring nature to the forefront once again. What do the swaying trees inspire in your mind? Or a rushing river? Without hearing them, do you not hear them? Try not to listen with your ears when you enjoy art, listen to the rhythms that fill your heart and soul.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wecome to the UniVerse

Hello and welcome to the UniVerse. I am a firm believer that music makes the world go round, it also makes the the flowers bloom, the earth quake, and the ocean's ebb and flow. Music can set a spirit free and break person's heart.
I also believe that some music is left unappreciated. Most of us were raised listening to whatever our environment was listening and were unable to break away into the other currents were flowing. The history, pride, wisdom, and understanding that all cultures and styles bring, is left unheard by many. If you want to travel to a new country, or a new state of mind, then listen to the country's music, or experience music created from a new state of mind.
Or what of the music of nature. Crashing waves, the animals voice, breezes in trees, or the silence of a snow capped peak, all are symphonies to be appreciated. The is Zen in them there trees, go get some and take it home.(Or take home to it and share it.)

Just ask these guys....